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2. Aller, R. C., 1978, The effects of animal–sediment interactions on geochemical processes near the sediment–water interface, in: Estuarine Interactions ( M. L. Wiley, ed.), pp. 157 - 172, Academic Press, New York.
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4. Aller, R. C., 1980b, Diagenetic processes near the sediment–water interface of Long Island Sound. I. Decomposition and nutrient element geochemistry (S, N, P), in: Estuarine Physics and Chemistry: Studies in Long Island Sound (B. Saltzman, ed.), pp. 237-350, Advances in Geophysics, Volume 22, Academic Press, New York.
5. Aller, R. C., and Cochran, J. K., 1976, 234Th/23°U disequilibrium in near-shore sediment: Particle reworking and diagenetic time scales, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 29: 37 - 50.