1. Soaps and Detergents,The Soap and Detergent Association, New York, 1981.
2. Gupta, S., “Chemistry, Chemical and Physical Properties and Raw Materials,” in Soap Technology for the 1990’s, L. Spitz (Ed.), pp. 48–93, American Oil Chemists Society, 1990.
3. By courtesy of G. Mazzoni S.p.A., Busto Arsizio, Italy. See also Spitz, L., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 45, 423 (1967).
4. For general references, see Dieckelmann, G., and Heinz, H. J., The Basics of Industrial Oleochemistry, Peter Pomp GmbH, Essen, W. Germany, 1988; Woollatt, E., The Manufacture of Soaps, Other Detergents and Glycerin, Ellis Horwood, Sussex, England, 1985.
5. By courtesy of Alfa-Laval, Tumba, Sweden.