Andrievskii Vladimir V.,Blatt Hans-Peter
Reference9 articles.
1. V.V. Andrievskii, H.-P. Blatt (1997): Erdfis-Turcin type theorems on piece-wise smooth curves and arcs. J. Approx. Theory, 88: 109–134.
2. J. Hüsing (1995): Diskrepanzsätze bei einseitigen Schranken für logarithmische Potentiale. Diplomarbeit, Katholische Universität Eichstätt.
3. H.-P. Blatt, R. Grothmann (1991): Erdös-Turcin theorems on a system of Jordan curves and arcs. Constr. Approx., 7: 19–47.
4. H.-P. Blatt, H.N. Mhaskar (1993): A general discrepancy theorem. Ark. Mat., 31: 219–246.
5. P. Erdös, P. Turân (1948): On a problem in the theory of uniform distribution. I and II. Indag. Math., 10: 370–378, 406–413.