1. A. Hitchcock, Intelligent Vehicle Highway System Safety: Multiple Collisions in Automated Highway Systems, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, PATH Research Report UCB-ITS-PRR-95–10 (1995).
2. S. E. Shladover, Dynamic Entrainment of Automated Guideway Transit Vehicles, High Speed Ground Transp. J. 12 (3), 87–113 (1978).
3. S. E. Shladover, Longitudinal Control of Automated Guideway Transit Vehicles within Platoons, J. Dyn. Syst. Meas. Control 100(4), 302–310 (1978) (also ASME Paper No. 78-WA/DSC 13).
4. S. E. Shladover, Potential Freeway Capacity Effects of Automatic Vehicle Control Systems, Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering, ASCE Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 1991, pp. 213–217.
5. S. E. Shladover, Operation of Automated Guideway Transit Vehicles in Dynamically Reconfigured Trains and Platoons, Reports UMTA–MA–06–0085–1 through –3, PB 300513, PB 80–142862, and PB 80–198856 (1979).