1. Khan, F. R., “Current Trends in Concrete High Rise Buildings,” Proceedings, Symposium on Tall Buildings, University of Southhampton, England, April, 1966.
2. Khan, F. R., and Sbarounis, J. A., “Interaction of Shear Walls and Frames,” Proceedings, ASCE, 90 (St 3), 285–335, June 1964.
3. Khan, F. R., “On Some Special Problems of Analysis and Design of Shear Wall Structures,” Proceedings, Symposium on Tall Buildings, University of Southhampton, England, April, 1966.
4. Khan, Faziur R., and Fintel, Mark, “Effects of Column Exposure in Tall Structures, Analysis for Length Changes of Exposed Columns,” ACl Journal, Proceedings, 63 (8), August 1966.
5. Khan, F. R. and Amin, N. R., “Analysis and Design of Framed Tube Structures for Tall Concrete Buildings,” SP36, ACT, Detroit, 1973.