1. G. A. Kachurin, A. E. Gorodetskii, Yu. V. Loburets, and L. S. Smirnov, Fiz. Tverd. Tela, 9:494 (1967) .
2. D. A. Cusano, IRE Trans. Electron Devices, ED9:504 (1962).
3. H. I. Moss, RCA Rev., 22:29 (1961) .
4. A. P. Landsman and R. N. Tykvenko, Radiotekhn. i Élektron., 12:503 (1967) .
5. A. E. Gorodetskii, G. A. Kachurin, and L. S. Smirnov, Abstracts of Papers presented at Second All-Union Conf. on Diffusion in Semiconductors, Gor’kii, 1966.