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2. Dean, E., Unal, R., “Designing for Cost”, Transactions of the American Association of Cost Engineers, pp. D.4.1–D.4.6, Seattle, Washington, 23–26 June, 1991.
3. Hydrogen Peroxide Handbook, Chemical and Material Sciences Department, Research Division, Rocketdyne: a division of North American Aviation, Inc., Canoga Park, California, Technical Report AFRPL-TR-67–144, July 1967.
4. Humble, R., Henry, G.N., Larson, W.J., “Space Propulsion Analysis and Design”, McGraw-Hill, Inc., College Custom Series, 1995.
5. Manzella, D.H., Carney, L.M., “Investigation of a Liquid-Fed Water Resisto-jet Plume”, NASA Technical Memorandum 102310, AIAA-89–2840, Prepared for the 25th Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, California, July 10–12, 1989.