1. Aomi, Jun’ichi. ‘“Hō no Gaineri’ ni tsuite no Oboegaki” (A note on the concept of law). In Hōno Gainen. Ed. The Japanese Association of Philosophy of Law. Tokyo: Yūhikaku, 1963, pp. 111–29.
2. Aomi, Jun’ichi. Hōtetsugaku Gairon (The general theory of the philosophy of law.) rev. ed. Tokyo: Kōbundō, 1964.
3. Aomi, Jun’ichi. Shinban Hōtetsugaku Gairon (An introduction to the philosophy of law). Horitsugaku Kōza Sōsho. rev. ed., Tokyo: Kōbundō, 1973.
4. Asanuma, Keiji. “Eizō no Imiteki Seikaku I: Mozō to Kigō” (Semantic characteristics of images I: Copies and signs). Hōsōgaku Kenkyū, 17 [Tokyo: NHK Sōgō Hōsō Bunka Kenkyūsho] (1968), 5–32.
5. Asanuma, Keiji. “Eizō no Imiteki Seikaku II: Eizō to Kigō” (Semantic characteristics of images II: Images and signs). Hōsōgaku Kenkyū, 20 [Tokyo: NHK Sōgō Hōsō Bunka Kenkyūsho] (1969), 5–30.