1. E.H. Brown and J.R. Brennand, Jr., J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 30, 112 (1959).
2. J. J. Clark and J. F. Fritz, WADC Tech. Note 59–240 (1959).
3. V. V. Druzhinin and N. I. Mokrushina, Fiz. Metal. Metalloved, Vol. 9, 498 (1960). Translated in the Physics of Metals and Metallography, Vol. 9, 19 (1960).
4. C. W. Chen, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 29, 1337 (1958).
5. ASTM Standards 1952, Part 1, Ferrous Metals, ASTM, Philadelphia (1953). For cross-sectional area, see A34–49. For methods and sample sizes, see A343–49.