1. Abdussalam, M., and Fein, D. A., Brucellosis as a world problem, Dev. Biol. Stand. 31:9–23 (1976).
2. Alton, G. G., and Plommet, M., Brucellosis summit in Geneva, Who Chron. 40:19–21 (1986). See also 6th Report of Joint Fao/Who Expert Committee on Brucellosis, Who Tech. Rep. Ser. 740 (1986).
3. Anderson, T. D., Meador, V. P., and Cheville, N. F., Pathogenesis of placentitis in the goat inoculated with Brucella abortus. I. Gross and histologic lesions, Vet. Pathol. 23:219–226 (1986).
4. Anderson, T. D., Cheville, N. F., and Meador, V. P., Pathogenesis of placentitis in the goat inoculated with Brucella abortus. II. Ultrastructural studies, Vet. Pathol. 23:227–229 (1986).
5. Annual Summary-1977, Morbid. Mortal. Weekly Rep. 26 (53):1–80 (1978).