1. I. V. Shtranikh and A. N. Volkov, Proc. Fifth Sci.-Tech. Conf. Nuclear Radio Electronics, Vol. 2, Part 1, Gosatomizdat, Moscow (1962), p. 10
2. M. L. Klein, H. C. Morgan, and M. H. Aronson, Digital Techniques for Computation and Control, Instruments Publ. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (1958).
3. R. K, Richards, Digital Computer Components and Circuits, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N. J. (1957).
4. E, Gatti and F. Piva, Nuovo Cimento, 10: 984 (1953).
5. W. D. Rove, IRE Trans. Instr., I-7(1) (1958).