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3. Amit, Z. and Corcoran, M.E. Blockade of drinking of a morphine solution by hypothalamic lesions and 6-hyrdoxydopamine infusions in rats. Paper presented at the meeting of the Neuroscience Society, San Diego, 1973.
4. Amit, Z., Corcoran, M.E., Amir, S. and Urca, G. Ventral hypothalamic lesions block the consumption of morphine in rats. Life Sciences 13, 805–816, 1973.
5. Amit, Z., Meade, R.G., Corcoran, M.E. and Teichman, M. Elimination of aphagia and adipsia by temporal separation of surgical and neuro-chemical manipulations in rats. Paper presented at the meeting of the 5th International Conference on Physiology of Food and Fluid Intake, Jerusalem, 1974.