1. CCITT Yellow Book, vol. II1.3, Digital Networks—Transmission Systems and Multiplexing Equipment ( Geneva: ITU, 1981 ).
2. J. E. Abate, C. A. Cooper, J. W. Pan, and I. J. Shapiro, “Synchronization Consideration for the Switched Digital Network,” ICC ’79 Conference Record, June 1979, pp. 11.5.1 to 11. 5. 4.
3. J. C. Luetchford, J. Heynen, and J. W. Bowick, “Synchronization of a Digital Network,” ICC ’79 Conference Record, June 1979, pp. 11.3.1 to 11. 3. 7.
4. th Annual Conference on Weights and Measures, Paris, 1968.
5. G. Kamas and S. L. Howe, eds., “Time and Frequency Users’ Manual,” NBS Special Publication 559 ( Washington: Government Printing Office, 1979 ).