1. ACR-NEMA. Standard PS 300—Digital Imaging and Communications. NEMA, Washington DC 1989.
2. Defense Supply Center, Philadelphia. Digital Imaging Network—Picture Archive and Communications System Contract. Contract Number SP 020097-R-8002 DINPACS. URL: http://www.dpsc.dla.mil/medical/medequip/what.htm
3. DICOM. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine—Version 3.0. NEMA, Rosslyn VA 2000. URL: http://medical.nema.org/dicom/2000/
4. ISO 10918-1/ITU T.81. Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-Tone Still Images. Geneva. 1993.
5. ISO 14495-1/ITU T.87. Lossless and Near-Lossless Coding of Continuous Tone Still Images (JPEG-LS). Geneva. 1999.