1. L. Adleman, “On Distinguishing Prime Numbers from Composite Numbers,” Proc. 21st IEEE Symp. on Found. of Comp. Science (1980), 387–408.
2. M. Blum, “Coin Flipping by Telephone,” in Proc. of IEEE Spring COMPCON (1982), 133–137.
3. M. Blum and S. Micali, “How to Generate Cryptographically Strong Sequences of Pseudo Random Bits,” submitted to FOCS 1982.
4. G. Brassard, “On computationally Secure Authentication Tags Requiring Short Secret Shared Keys,” in Conf. Proc. Crypto 82, 1982.
5. L. Dickson, “History of the Theory of Numbers,” Chelsea Pub. Co., 1919 (republished 1971 ).