1. A collection of short articles on “Disordered Solids” is given in: Physics Today 41 Dec. (1988).
2. A series of interesting lectures and reviews is given in: “Les Houches, Session XXXI, 1978-La matiere mal condensee/Ill-condensed matter,” R. Balian, R. Maynard, and G. Toulouse, eds., North Holland/World Scientific, Singapore (1983).
3. Various sample preparation and characterization methods are described by H. H. Liebermann in: “Amorphous Metallic Alloys”, F. E. Luborsky, ed., Butterworths, London (1983), p. 26.
4. M. Mezard, G. Parisi, M. A. Virasoro. “Spin Glass Theory and Beyond,” World Scientific, Singapore (1987).
5. M. A. Ruderman and C. Kittel, Phys. Rev. 96, 99 (1960).