Religious/Spiritual Concerns in Caring For the Cancer Patient


Bresnahan James F.,Merrill John M.


Springer US

Reference14 articles.

1. Bresnahan, James F. “Death: II. Contemporary Art of Dying.” in Encyclopedia of Bioethics, Rev. ed. Warren Thomas Reich, ed. New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1995, vol. I, 551-54. See also, Bresnahan JF. The Catholic art of dying. America 1995;173 (#14):12-16.

2. Lovin, Robin W. “Ethics: V. Religion and Morality,” in Encyclopedia of Bioethics, Rev. ed. Warren Thomas Reich, ed. New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1995, vol. II, 758-64.

3. Gustafson JM. The Contributions of Theology to Medical Ethics. Milwaukee: Marquette U. Press, 1975.

4. Engelhardt HT. The Foundations of Bioethics. 2nd ed., New York: Oxford U. Press, 1996.

5. Bresnahan, James F. “Ethical Dilemmas in Critical Care Medicine.” in Case Studies in Critical Care Medicine, 2nd ed., Roy D. Cane, et al., eds. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, 1991. See also, Jonsen, Albert R. “Casuistry.” in Encyclopedia of Bioethics, vol. I, 344-50.

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