1. C.E. Baum, “General Properties of Antennas,” Sensor and Simulation Note 330, Phillips Laboratory, July 1991.
2. C.E. Baum and E.G. Farr, “Extending the Definitions of Antenna Gain and Radiation Pattern Into the Time Domain,” Sensor and Simulation Note 350, November 1992.
3. C.E. Baum and A.P. Stone, Transient Lens Synthesis: Differential Geometry in Electromagnetic Theory, Hemisphere Publishing Corp, 1991.
4. J.P. O’Loughlin, “A Nanosecond Transmission Line Charging Technique,” U.S. Patent 5, 444, 308.
5. D.V. Giri, W.D. Prather, et al, “A Reflector Antenna for Radiating Impulse-Like Waveforms,” Sensor and Simulation Note 382, Phillips Laboratory, July 1995.