1. C. E. Baum, The Conical Transmission Line as a Wave Launcher and Terminator for a Cylindrical Transmission Line, Sensor and Simulation Note 31, January 1967.
2. G. W. Carlisle, Matching the Impedance of Multiple Transitions to a Parallel-Plate Transmission Line, Sensor and Simulation Note 54, April 1968.
3. C. E. Baum, The Distributed Source for Launching Spherical Waves, Sensor and Simulation Note 84, May 1969
4. C. E. Baum, A Distributed-Source Conducting-Medium Simulator for Structures Near and Below the Ground Surface, Sensor and Simulation Note 87, July 1969.
5. C. E. Baum, Some Characteristics of Planar Distributed Sources for Radiating Transient Pulses, Sensor and Simulation Note 100, March 1970.