1. G Ramachandran. “Statistical Methods in Risk Evaluation.” Fire Safety Journal, 2, 125–145 (1979/1980).
2. G Ramachandran. “Extreme Order Statistics in Large Samples from Exponential Type Distributions and their Application to Fire Loss” in G P Patil et al. (ed.$) Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work, Vol 2, ( D Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland, 1975 ), 355–367.
3. G Ramachandran. “Properties of Extreme Order Statistics and their Application to Fire Protection and Insurance Problems.” Fire Safety Journal, 5, 59–76 (1982).
4. M. Gretener. “Attempt to calculate the fire risk of industrial and other objects.” Third Industrial Fire Protection Symposium, Eindhoven, Holland, October 1968.
5. G Ramachandran. “Probability Modelling.” Seminar on Cost Effective Approach to Fire Safety, LIFE 84, Olympia, London, April 1984.