1. Achenbach, T. M. (1991a). "Comorbidity" in child and adolescent psychiatry: Categorical and quantitative perspectives. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 1, 271 - 278.
2. Achenbach, T. M. (1991b). Integrative guide for the 1991 CBCL4-18, YSR, and TRF Profiles. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Department of Psychiatry.
3. Achenbach, T. M. (1991c). Manual for the Child Behavior Checklist/4-18 and 1991 Profile, Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Department of Psychiatry.
4. Achenbach, T. M. (1991d). Manual for the Teacher's Report Form and 1991 Profile. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Department of Psychiatry.
5. Achenbach, T. M. (1991e). Manual for the Youth Self-Report and 1991 Profile. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Department of Psychiatry.