1. Environmental Assessment and Review Process Guidelines Order,SOR/84–467, S. 33(1).
2. For a recent critique of the cost-benefit approach to environmental decisionmaking, see T.F. Schrecker, Political Economy of Environmental Hazards 39–58 ( Law Reform Commission of Canada, Protection of Life Series Study Paper, 1984 ).
3. For a general discussion of risk analysis and environmental decisionmaking, see Gelpe and Tarlock, “The Uses of Scientific Information in Environmental Decision-Making,” 48 So. Cal. L. Rev. 371 (1974). For a discussion of the use of risk analysis in the Canadian regulatory context, see Ronson and Swoveland, “Risk Analysis and the Regulation of Safety by Administrative Tribunals: A Case Study,” 62 Can. Bar Rev. 4 (1984).
4. Environmental Protection Act, S.N.S. 1973, c. 6, S. 17 (2).
5. See, e.g., Canada-Nova Scotia Accord for the Protection and Establishment of Environmental Quality.