1. O. J. Wick, ed., “Plutonium Handbook, a Guide to the Technology,” The American Nuclear Society, La Grange, Ill (1980).
2. J. R. Morgan, New Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagram of Plutonium, in: “Plutonium 1970 and other Actinides, Part II,” W. N. Miner, ed., The Metallurgical Society of AIME, New York (1971).
3. A. Goldberg and T. B. Massalski, Phase Transformations in the Actinides, in: “Plutonium 1970 and other Actinides, Part II,” W. N. Miner, ed., The Metallurgical Society of AIME, New York (1971).
4. A. Goldberg and J. C. Shyne, Thermodynamic Analysis of Stress and Pressure Effects on the δ→α Transformation in Plutonium Alloys, J. Nucl. Mat. 60:137 (1976).
5. J. B. Bergin, private communication (1982).