1. P.C. Reist (1984) “Introduction to aerosol science”, Macmillan Publishing Compagny, New York.
2. W.C. Hinds (1982) “Aerosol Technology”, Wiley-Interscience Publication, New York.
3. G.J. Sem (1984) “Aerodynamic Particle size: why is it important”, TSI quarterly, 10, 3.
4. K.T. Whitby (1976) “Electrical Measurement of Aerosols”, in: “Fine Particles” B.Y.H. Liu ed, Academic Press, New York.
5. M. Diouri, D. Boulaud, C. Frambourt and G. Madelaine (1986) “Nouveau Spectromètre Diffusionnel et Inertiel”, 3ème Journée d’Etude sur les Aérosols, GAMS-COFERA, Paris.