1. Baron, S., and W.H. Levison “An Optimal Control Methodology for Analysing the Effects of Display Parameters on Performance and Workload in Manual Flight Control”IEEE Trans. Vol. SMC-5, No. 4, 1975. pp. 423–430.
2. Gai, E,G. and Curry, R.E. “A model of the human observer in failure detection tasks”. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, February, 1976.
3. Jex, Henry R. and W.F. Clement: “On Defining and Measuring Perceptual Motor Workload in Manual Control Tasks”. Systems Technology Inc. Working, Paper WP. 1104–1 July 1977 (included in this Proceedings).
4. McCreachie, J.S. “Multiple Terminals Under User Control in a Time-Sharing Environment”, CACM. Vol. 16, 1965. pp. 587–590.
5. McRuer, D.T. and E.S. Krendel. Mathematical Models of Human Pilot Behavior. AGARDograph, No. 188, 1974.