1. ICRP, Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, ICRP Publication 26, Annals of the ICRP 1, No. 3 (1977).
2. Gregg Marland and T.A. Boden, CO2 Emissions—modern record/national, in: “Trends ’91: A Compendium of Data on Global Change,” T.A. Boden, R.J. Sepanski, and F.W. Stoss, eds., ORNL/CDIAC-46, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (1991).
3. World Bank. “World Development Report 1991,” Oxford University Press, Oxford (1991).
4. CECD/IEA. “Energy Balances of OECD Countries, 1980–1989,” CECD/IEA, Paris (1991).
5. National Research Council. “Rethinking High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal: A Position Statement of the Board on Radioactive Waste Management,” National Academy Press, Washington DC (1990), p. vii.