1. An excellent overview is given by the series Laser Program Annual Report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. UCRL-50021 (1978 to the present).
2. R. M. More. Atomic Physics in Inertial Confinement Fusion, preprint UCRL-84991. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1981).
3. R. M. More. Atomic and Molecular Physics of Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, p. 399. Ed. by C. Joachain and 5. Post. Plenum Publishing Corp. (1983).
4. Proceedings of Workshop Conference on Radiative Properties of Hot Dense Plasmas. J.Q.S.R.T. 27. p. 209-385 (1982)
5. Radiative Properties of Hot Dense Matter. Ed. by J. Davis. C. Hooper, R. Lee. A. Merts. and B. Rozsnyai. World Scientific, Singapore (1985).