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2. K. Heine, J. Tenbrink, M. Thöner, Thöner, High-field critical current densities in Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu208+x/Ag wires, Appl. Phys. Lett. 55: 2441 (1989)
3. J. Tenbrink, K. Heine, H. Krauth, Critical currents and flux pinning in Ag stabilized high Tc superconductor wires, Cryogenics 30: 422 (1990)
4. J. Tenbrink, K. Heine, M. Wilhelm, H. Krauth, Development of technical high-Ta superconductor wires and tapes, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 3: 1123 (1993)
5. J. Tenbrink et al., to be published