1. The following books review the physical chemical properties of polyelectrolyte solutions and their theoretical treatment: a. C. Tanford, ‘Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules’. 1961: New York, John Wiley & Sons.
2. S.A. Rice and M. Nagasawa, ‘Polyelectrolyte Solutions’, 1961: London, New York. Academic Press.
3. F. Osawa, ‘Polyelectrolytes’, 1970: New York, Marcel Dekker.
4. E. Selegny, M. Mandel and U.P. Strauss (Eds.), ‘Polyelectrolytes’, 1974:Dordrecht, Boston. D. Reidel.
5. H. Eisenberg, ‘Biological Macromolecules and Polyelectrolytes’, 1976: Oxford. Clarendon Press.