1. J. A. Nock Jr., M. Holt, and D. O. Sprowls, “A New High-Strength Aluminum Alloy,” Metal Progress (Sept. 1961).
2. F. R. Collins, F. G. Nelson, and I. B. Robinson, “Aluminum 2219, New Alloy for High-Strength Welded Structures,” Metal Progress (Nov. 1961).
3. M. P. Hanson, G. W. Stickley, and H. T. Richards, “Sharp-Notch Behavior of Some High-Strength Sheet Aluminum Alloy and Welded Joints at 75°, -320° and -423°F,” ASTM STP 287 (1961).
4. Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (1959).
5. ASTM Tentative Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Materials, E8–61T.