1. ASTM Special Technical Publication 287;MP Hanson,1960
2. ASTM Special Technical Publication 287;JH Belton,1960
3. R. L. McGee, J. E. Campbell, R. L. Carlson, and G. K. Manning, “The Mechanical Properties of Certain Aircraft Structural Metals at Very Lqw Temperatures,” WADC TR 58–386 (Nov. 1960).
4. J. F. Watson and J. L. Christian, “Cryostat and Accessories for Tension Testing at -423 °F”, Materials Research and Standards, Vol. 1, No. 2, (Feb. 1961).
5. R. M. McClintock and K. A. Warren, “Tensile Cryostat for the Temperature Range 4° to 300°K,” Materiais Research and Standards, Vol. 1, No. 2, (Feb. 1961).