1. R. Ewald and P. Perroud, “The Flooding Phenomenon in a Cryogenic Heat Pipe with Vertical Counter-current Two-Phase Flow,” presented at the Third International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, West Berlin, Germany (May 1970).
2. R. B. Scott, W. H. Denton, and C. M. Nicholls, Technology and Uses of Liquid Hydrogen, Pergamon Press, London, England (1964).
3. WADC Tech. Rept. 60–56,1960
4. E. G. Brentari, P. J. Giarratano, and R. V. Smith, NBS Tech. Note 317 (1965).
5. J. M. Astruc, A. Lacaze, and P. Perroud, Cryogenics, 9 (4): 248 (1968).