1. AL-MUGRABI, M., SPYROU, N. M. (Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Surrey, Guilford (UK)): The determination of uranium using short-lived fission products by cyclic and other modes of activation analysis. p. 213–219. In: Papers accepted for presentation at the 7. international conference MTAA. Pt. 1. Methodology. ISBN 87-550-1217-5. Roskilde (Denmark). Risoe National Laboratory. 1986. 708 p. [7. international conference on modern trends in activation analysis. Copenhagen (Denmark). 23–27 Jun 1986]. (RN 17:086328).
2. ANDERS, B. (Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron DESY, Hamburg (FRG)); BEHRENS, U., BRÜCKMANN, H., SCHRÖDER, U. (I. Institut für Experimentalphysik, Univ. of Hamburg (FRG)): Methods of element-analysis by the use of charged particles from the Hanburg isochronous cyclotron. p. 221–226. In: Papers accepted for presentation at the 7. international conference MTAA. Pt. 1. Methodology. ISBN 87-550-1217-5. Roskilde (Denmark). Risoe National Laboratory. 1986. 708 p. [7. international converence on modern trends in activation analysis. Copenhagen (Denmark). 23–27 Jun 1986]. (RN 17:086329).
3. ARTEM'EV, I. O., STEPANOV, V. M., ADASBAEVA, R. A., KHALDEEVA, N. V.: Neutron activation microassaying in proscpecting and reserve evaluation of gold and silver in mineral deposits. (In Russian). Nejtronno-aktivatsionnyj mikroprobimyj analiz v razvedke i otsenke zapasov zolota i serebra v mestorozhdeniyakh mineral'nogo syr'ya.Zayod. Lab. ISSN 0321-4265. ZVDLA. (1985). v. 51 (12) p. 11–15. For English translation see the journal Industrial Laboratory (USA). (RN 17:076334).
4. ARTEM'EV, I. O., ADASBAEVA, R. A., KHALDEEVA, N. V., STEPANOV, V. M.: Neutron-activation microassay analysis in the exploration and assessment of gold and silver reserves in mineral formations.Ind. Lab. (Engl. Transl.). ISSN 0019-8447. INDLA. (Jun 1986). v. 51 (12) p. 1091–1096. Cover-to-cover translation of Zavodskaya Laboratoriya. (USSR). RN 18:026346).
5. BALOGUN, F. A., SPYROU, N. M., DAVIES, G. (Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Surrey, Guilford (UK)): Investigation of elemental distributions within a biological sample using neutron activation tomography. p. 809–814. In: Papers accepted for presentation at the 7. international conference MTAA. Pt. 2. Applications. ISBN 87-550-1218-3. Ros kilde (Denmark). Risoe National Laboratory. 1986. 748 p. [7. international conference on modern trends in activation analysis. Copenhagen (Denmark). 23–27 Jun 1986]. (RN 18:001107).