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2. V. P. Belavkin, ?Quantum filtering of Markov signals on a background of white quantum noise,? Radiotekh. Elektron.,25, No. 7, 1445?1453 (1980).
3. V. P. Belavkin, ?On the theory of control of quantum observable processes,? Avtom. Telemekh., No. 2, 50?63 (1983).
4. V. P. Belavkin, ?Theory of reconstruction for a quantum random process,? Teor. Mat. Fiz.,62, No. 3, 409?431 (1985).
5. V. P. Belavkin, ?Nonlinear filtering of quantum continuous signals,? in: Proc. IXth All-Union Conf. Theory of Coding and Transmission of Information, 1988 [in Russian], Part 2, Odessa (1988), pp. 342?345.