1. H. Nickel, F. Schubert, and H. Schuster,Proceedings of the Petten International Conference on Behavior of HT-Alloys in Aggressive Environments (The Metals Society, London, 1979), p. 105.
2. H. W. Grünling,Proceedings of the Petten International Conference on Behavior of HT-Alloys in Aggressive Environments (The Metals Society, London, 1979), p. 137.
3. H. Nickel, T. Kondo, and L. Rittenhouse,Nucl. Technol. 66, 12 (1984).
4. G. Menken, R. Nieder, L. Graham, H. Schuster, and W. Thiele,Proceedings of the International Conference on Gas-Cooled Reactors Today, Bristol UK (BNES, London, 1982), p. 185.
5. F. N. Mazandarany and P. L. Rittenhouse,Nucl. Technol. 28, 406 (1976).