1. Berleant, D., Cheong, M.-P., Chu, C., Guan, Y., Kamal, A., Sheblé, G., Ferson, S., and Peters, J. F.: Dependable Handling of Uncertainty, Reliable Computing 9 (6) (2003), pp. 407–418.
2. Berleant, D., Dancre, M., Argaud, J., and Sheblé, G.: Electric Company Portfolio Optimization under Interval Stochastic Dominance Constrraints, in: Cozman, F. G., Nau, R., and Seidenfeld, T. (eds), Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications ISIPTA'05, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 20–24, 2005, pp. 51–57.
3. Berleant, D. J., Kosheleva, O., and Nguyen, H. T.: Adding Unimodality or Independence Makes Interval Probability Problems NP-Hard, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems IPMU'06, Paris, France, July 2–7, 2006 (to appear).
4. Berleant, D., Xie, L., and Zhang, J.: Statool: A Tool for Distribution Envelope Determination (DEnv), an Interval-Based Algorithm for Arithmetic on Random Variables, Reliable Computing 9 (2) (2003), pp. 91–108.
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