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2. Melchior H. (1964) (ed.):Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien. Ed. 12. Borntrager, Berlin.
3. P.D. Boersma, S.H. Reichard &A.N. van Buren:Invasive Species in the Pacific Northwest;University of Washington Press, Seattle & London, 2006, 276 pp., 108 color figs., 108 maps. Price 29.95 USD, ISBN 0-295-98596-8.
4. I. Hanski:The Shrinking World: Ecological Consequences of Habitat Loss;International Ecology Institute, Oldendorf/Luhe, 2005, 307 pp. Price EUR 47.-, ISSN 0932-2205.
5. J. Florence:Flore de la Polynésie Française, Vol. 1;IRD Éditions (ex-Orstom), Paris 1997, 2004, 393 pp., 19 col. photos, 54 figs. Price EUR 15.24, ISBN 2-7099-1384-4.