Physical Zero-Knowledge Proof for Sukoro


Sasaki Shun,Shinagawa KazumasaORCID


AbstractA zero-knowledge proof protocol is a cryptographic protocol in which a prover, who knows the witness to a statement, can convince a verifier that the statement is true without revealing any information about the witness. Although zero-knowledge proof protocols are typically executed on electronic computers, there is a line of research to design zero-knowledge proof protocols based on physical objects (e.g., a deck of cards). This is called physical zero-knowledge proof. In this paper, we construct a physical zero-knowledge proof protocol for a logical puzzle called Sukoro. Sukoro has many cells on the puzzle board, like Sudoku, where each cell must be empty or filled with a number from one to four, and each number must match the number of adjacent filled cells, and the same numbers must not be adjacent to each other. In addition, it has a rule that all filled cells must be connected, which is called the connectivity condition. Although some existing protocols deal with the connectivity condition, all existing methods are interactive, which requires the prover’s knowledge to determine how the cards are manipulated during the execution of the protocols. In this paper, we give a new method for verifying the connectivity condition in the non-interactive setting, which means that the protocol can be executed without the prover’s knowledge, and construct a physical zero-knowledge proof protocol for Sukoro.


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Springer Science and Business Media LLC







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