1. R. N. Colwell: American Scientist 49, 9–36 (1961)
2. R. N. Collwelll: “Uses and Limitations of Multispectral Remote Sensing”, Proc. 4th Intern. Symp. on Remote Sensing of Environment, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, (1966)
3. W. A. Malila: Photogrammetric Engineering 34, 566–575 (1968)
4. NASA MSC 3rd Annual Earth Resources Program Review, Vols. I–III, NASA MSC-03742, Manned Spacecraft Center, Tex. (1970)
5. NASA MSC 4th Annual Earth Resources Program Review, Vols. I–V, NASA MSC-05937, Manned Spacecraft Center, Tex. (1972)