1. Kölliker (Mikrosk. Anat. II 2. S. 353) gibt das Gegentheil an, indess ist dies wohl nur ein Missverständniss.
2. Pag. 63. Each one of these efferent vessels is truly a portal vein in miniature.
3. Pag. 59. Al the blood of the renal artery (with the exception of a small quantity distributed to the capsule, surrounding fat, and the coats of the larger vessels) enters the capillary tufts of the Malpighian bodies; thence it passes into the capillary plexus surrounding the uriniferous tubes, and it finally leaves the organ through the branches of the renal vein. With the inconsiderable exceptions just mentioned, the terminal twigs of the artery correspond in number with the Malpighian bodies.