1. L. V. Lipis, Usp. Fiz. Nauk,68, No. 1, 71 (1959).
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3. N. V. Pleshivtsev, Cathode Sputtering [in Russian], Atomizdat, Moscow (1968).
4. A. N. Zaidel', L. V. Lipis, N. I. Kaliteevskii, and M. P. Chaika, Emission Spectral Analysis of Nuclear Materials [in Russian], GIFML, Moscow (1960).
5. L. K. Larma, V. N. Makartseva, and N. S. Belenkova, Abstracts of the All-Union Symposium on Spectral Analysis for Minor and Trace Components [in Russian], Tbilisi (1969), p. 46.