AbstractAs land-use cover types affect wintering birds’ strategies, studying their habitat suitability for species conservation is relevant. Predictive spatial models are considered excellent tools for conservation planning and improving our understanding of species distribution. Here we build models to predict the spatial distribution of raptor species that overwinter in SE Spain. We modelled the wintering raptor species distribution based on the presence-only data obtained between 2017 and 2019 and analysed their habitat preferences based on elevation and land-use cover variables. Our results show that altitude and distance to the coastline are the most important environmental factors to affect most species’ habitat suitability. Habitat type-related factors are other important predictors, and raptors subject of this study prefer lowlands and areas close to the coastline for overwintering by selecting open habitats, which include wetlands and irrigated and rainfed crops. This study highlights the importance of the habitat heterogeneity generated by wetlands and herbaceous crops within a low-altitude range as the optimal environment for wintering raptors. Such information should be considered for raptor conservation planning in human-altered landscapes.
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Universidad Miguel Hernández
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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