1. N.A. Bazhanov et al.: NIM A 402 (1998) 484, N.A. Bazhanov et al.: NIM A 372 (1996) 349; F. Lehar et al.: NIM A 356 (1995) 58.
2. I.B. Issinsky, A.D. Kirillov, A.D. Kovalenko and P.A. Rukoyatkin: Acta Phisica Polonica B 25 (1994) 673.
3. V.I. Sharov et al.: JINR Rapid Comm. 4[96]-99 (1999) 5 and refferences therein; also see the paper of the authors in these proceedings.
4. A. Kirillov et al.: in Proc. of Int. Conf. PANIC-96, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, 22–28 May, 1996, p.749 (or JINR preprint E13-96-210); also see [6].
5. Some illustrations could be found in materials of a report given by the author on the of the V International Symposium “Dubna Deuteron-99”, Dubna, July 6–10, 1999: http://relnp.jinr.ru/deuteron99/tr/003/.