1. Levitt, J., A histological study of hollow heart of potatoes, Amer. Potato Jour. 19:134-144.
2. Moore, H. C, Some studies in hollow heart of potatoes. Proc. Potato Association of America for 1925. Pp. 41–46.
3. Moore, H. C, 1926. Hollow heart of potatoes—a report of experiments conducted in 1926. Proc. Potato Association of America for 1926. Pp. 180–182.
4. Werner, H. O., 1926. The hollow heart situation in the Russet Rural potato. Proc. Potato Association of America for 1926. Pp. 45–51.
5. Werner, H. O., 1927. Hollow heart of potatoes: occurrence and test of thiourea seed treatments for prevention. Proc. Potato Association of America for 1927. Pp. 71–78.