1. F.H. Froes, D. Eylon, and H.B. Bomberger, Titanium Technology: Present Stalus and Fulure Trends (Dayton, OH: Titanium Development Assoc., 1985).
2. H. Lipsitt, High TemperalureOrdered Inlermelallic Alloys,ed. C.C. Koch, C.T. Liu, and N.S. Stoloff (Pittsburgh, PA: MRS,1985), p. 351.
3. Y.W. Kim and EH. Froes, High Temperalurr Aluminidesand Inlermelallics, ed. S.H. Whang et al. (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1990), p. 485.
4. C.T. Liu, F.H. Froes, and J.O. Stiegler, Melals Handbook, 10th ed., vol. 2 (Materials Park, OH: ASM, 1990), p. 913.
5. F.H. Froes, C. Suryanarayana, and D. Eliezer, ISIJ Inlernal., 31 (1991), p. 1235.