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2. Klopfer, B.: The shading responses. Rorschach Res. Exch., 2:76–79, 1938. Also: The present status of the theoretical development of the Rorschach method. Rorschach Res. Exch., 1:142–147, 1937.
3. Beck, S. J.: Introduction to the Rorschach Method. Am. Orthopsychiat. Assoc. Mon., New York, pp. xiii-278, 1937.
4. Piotrowski, Z. The M, FM, and m responses as indicators of changes in personality. Rorschach Res. Exch., 1:148–156, 1937.
5. Oberholzer, H.: Zur Differentialdiagnose psychiascher Folgezustände nach Schädeltraumen mittels des Rorschachschen Formdeutversuchs. Z. Neur., 136:596–629, 1931.