1. R. Taylor, S. Lavallee, G. Burdea, and R. Moesges, editors. Computer Integrated Surgery. MIT Press, 1995.
2. G. Gerig T. Pun and O. Ratib. Image Analysis and Computer Vision in Medicine. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 18(2):85–96, 1994.
3. N. Ayache. Medical computer vision, virtual reality and robotics. Image and Vision Computing, 13(4):295–313, 1995. promising research track.Also available at http://www.inria.fr/epidaure/personnel/ayache/ayache.html.
4. R. Acharya, R. Wasserman, J. Stevens, and C. Hinojosa. Biomedical Imaging modalities: a tutorial. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 19(1):3–25, 1995.
5. N. Ayache, P. Cinquin, I. Cohen, L. Cohen, F. Leitner, and O. Monga. Segmentation of complex 3D medical objects: a challenge and a requirement for computer assisted surgery planning and performing. In R. Taylor, S. Lavallee, G. Burdea, and R. Moesges, editors, Computer Integrated Surgery, pages 59–74. MIT Press, 1995.