1. Arne Borälv and Herman Ågren. Feasibility Study SVT. Technical Report U-95002, Logikkonsult NP AB, 1995. Internally published at Logikkonsult.
2. Hans Bolinder. LSA 1.0. Technical Report NPT-01-07-0-3, Issue 2 Rev 1, Logikkonsult NP AB, 1996.
3. Arne Borälv. A Fully Automated Approach for Proving Safety Properties in Interlocking Software Using Automatic Theorem-Proving. Technical report, Logikkonsult NP AB, March 1997. Submitted to the World Congress on Railway Research 1997 (WCRR'97).
4. Love Ekenberg et al. Reference Manual, NP-Tools 2.2. Logikkonsult NP AB, October 1996. NPT-01-07-02 2.0.
5. J.F. Groote, J.W.C. Koorn, and S.F.M. van Vlijmen. The safety guaranteeing system at station Hoorn-Kersenboogerd. Technical report, Department of Philosophy — Utrecht University, 1994.