1. IEEE Std C57.13™-2016, IEEE standard requirements for instrument transformers; IEEE, New York, NY (2016).
2. IEC Std 61869-2, IEC standard for instrument transformers—part 2: additional requirements for current transformers (2012).
3. B.D. Jenkins, Introduction to instrument transformer; Littlehampton Book Services Ltd., Worthing. ISBN-13: 978-0600411468 (1967).
4. C.W.T. McLyman, Transformer and inductor design handbook, 1st edn.; Marcel Dekker, New York. ISBN-13: 978-0824768010 (1978).
5. D. Slomovitz, Electronic system for increasing the accuracy of in-service instrument-current transformers, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 52(2) (2003) 408–410.