1. D. C. Sorensen, Implicit application of polynomial filters in a k-step Arnoldi method, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 13(1):357–385, January 1992.
2. D. C. Sorensen, Implicitly-Restarted Arnoldi/Lanczos Methods for Large Scale Eigenvalue Calculations, (invited paper), in Parallel Numerical Algorithms: Proceedings of an ICASE/LaRC Workshop, May 23–25, 1994, Hampton, VA, D. E. Keyes, A. Sameh, and V. Venkatakrishnan, eds., Kluwer, 1995 (to appear).
3. R.B. Lehoucq, D.C. Sorensen, P.A. Vu, and C. Yang, ARPACK: Fortran subroutines for solving large scale eigenvalue problems, Release 2.1
4. R. B. Lehoucq and D.C. Sorensen Deflation Techniques for an Implicitly Re-started Arnoldi Iteration, To appear in SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis
5. J. Daniel, W.B. Gragg, L. Kaufman, and G.W. Stewart, Reorthogonalization and stable algorithms for updating the Gram-Schmidt QR factorization, Mathematics of Computation, 30:772–795, 1976